学長メッセージ「ニューノーマルの定着に向けて ? 対面授業とキャンパスライフとの両立の持続へ ?」/ Message from the President:Toward the Establishment of the New Normal ~To sustain both face-to-face classes and campus life~




? 対面授業とキャンパスライフとの両立の持続へ ?
金沢大学長 山崎光悦














*1 /wp/news/98267

*2 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/special/coronavirus/advisory-board/detail/detail_47.html 



November 17, 2021

Toward the Establishment of the New Normal

To sustain both face-to-face classes and campus life


President, Kanazawa University

 Dear Students,

 The 58th Kanazawa University Festival on October 30 and 31 was held in a face-to-face format that was open to the general public, with thorough infection prevention measures. Many people came under the clear autumn sky, and the campus seemed more crowded than it has in a long time (*1). I would like to express my gratitude to all the people involved for careful planning and measures, and to all the participants for their cooperation, which enabled us to finish this university festival without any new cases of infection being confirmed.


 On October 15, Kanazawa University lowered its activity guidelines for extracurricular activities to "Level 1 (Warning and Caution).” While remaining at “Level 1”, we hope that we certainly can sustain both face-to-face classes and campus life by continued voluntary actions of students to prevent infection.

 Like many other universities in Japan, Kanazawa University has been asking students to restrict and refrain from their activities. However measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 are becoming clearer. We aim to sustain normal, realistic activities based on thorough measures to prevent the spread of infection by all the members.

 Students are now in the second half of their academic year, and especially the final year students are only a few months away from graduation. Although the unexpectedly difficult situation of the COVID-19 has lasted for a long time, Kanazawa University will continue to consider ways for students to spend their campus lives as meaningfully as possible while ensuring safety and security.


 An expert meeting of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, which advises on countermeasures against COVID-19, stated that the number of new infections in the second half of October was the lowest level since the summer of 2020.

 However, in other countries, where vaccination has already been implemented, "breakthrough infection” and furthermore, re-spreading of infection have occurred. We must be very careful to relax the measures (*2). On the other hand, one of the common factors in the countries, where infection has been spreading, is the lack of thorough wearing of masks. Most of the COVID-19 are transmitted by droplet infection, and the virus mainly enters through the nose and mouth. If the nose and mouth are completely covered, the virus cannot enter the body. In other words, two levels of protection are required to prevent virus infection. The first step is to prevent the virus from entering the body by wearing a mask, and the second step is to reduce the severity of the disease by vaccination.


 A characteristic of measures to prevent infection by COVID-19 is that they depend largely on the awareness and actions of each individual. Let's all voluntarily take basic infection prevention measures, such as wearing masks, so that we can sustain both face-to-face classes and campus life and establish a new normal.


*1 /wp/news/98267  (Japanese only)

*2 https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/special/coronavirus/advisory-board/detail/detail_47.html (Japanese only)


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