“To the Space from KU” A Lecture by KU Alumni Takes Place


11月26日,角間キャンパスにおいて,本学理工学域機械工学類を卒業し現在米国コロラド大学大学院博士課程に在籍する江島彩夢さんを講師に迎え,講演会「金大から宇宙へ」を開催し,本学の学生?365体育投注_365体育直播-官网|平台@約50名が参加しました。この講演会は,本学のスーパーグローバル大学創成支援事業(SGU)を学生目線で推進する学生団体「KU-SGU student staff」が主催しました。

第1部は「宇宙飛行士のたまごが語る 宇宙の未来」と題し,江島さんが研究分野である有人宇宙飛行の話題や,NASAでのインターンシップ経験などについて講演,その後活発な質疑応答がありました。第2部は「海外の大学院ってどんなトコ??」と題し,海外の大学院への進学に関心がある学生ら10名が江島さんを囲む座談会を開き,米国の大学院生の生活や大学院留学の準備等について闊達な意見交換が行われました。


「まずは,今自分に与えられたことを一生懸命にやり切って,さらに自分の強みを見つけよう! それらを戦略的に活用すれば必ず道は開ける」

On November 26, Mr. Sam Eshima, an alumni of the School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Science and Engineering of KU who currently studies in the doctoral course of Graduate School of Colorado University in the United States, delivered a lecture titled “To the Universe from KU” at Kakuma Campus, and 50 students, faculty and staff attended. This event was organized by a student group of “KU-SGU student staff” which promotes the SGU project at KU by their ideas and views.

In the first section, Mr. Eshima gave a lecture titled “An astronaut in the making tells a future of the universe.” He talked on the topic of manned space flight in his research field and experience of the internship in NASA. Afterward, the audience asked questions actively.

In the second section, a workshop titled “What kind of place the Graduate schools in abroad are??” took place with 10 students interested in going on to graduate schools abroad. They exchanged information interactively with Mr. Eshima about a graduate school student’s life in the U.S., preparation for studying in graduate schools abroad, and so on.

At the end, Mr. Eshima left with a message: “First of all, work hard on whatever you can do right now, in addition, find out your strengths. When you use them strategically, the path will open up in front of you.”

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