Open recruitment of special cafeteria operators

Kanazawa University Natural Science and Technology Library Operation of a special cafeteria at the South Welfare Facility

There are currently no open positions being accepted.

January 22, 2008 Information on Public Offering [Announcement of Results] (Japanese only)

Announcement of results

(1) Business name

Kanazawa University Natural Science and Technology Library Operation of a special cafeteria at the South Welfare Facility

(2) Business Overview

Natural Science and Technology Library Kanazawa University The dining hall on the 3rd floor of the South Welfare Facility will be operated in accordance with the publicly advertised guidelines at Kanazawa University to enhance the welfare of students, faculty, staff and others.

(3) Counterparty to the contract

Social Welfare Corporation FUTSUZEN

(4) Date of conclusion of contract

May 14, 2008

(5) Contract term

From June 4, 2008 to March 31, 2021. However, it can be renewed annually upon mutual consultation between the consignor and the trustee.

Public announcement

Public Notice (pdf file)

Special Cafeteria (pdf file)

(in) charge (of an area of responsibility, but not necessarily supervision of staff)

Facilities Department Facility Planning Division
TEL: 076-264-5102
fax: 076-234-4030

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