Started listening activities for temporary housing residents

News Noto Reconstruction

On July 7, Kanazawa University Volunteer Support Station (Bora Sapo) together with members of Ishikawa Prefecture Disaster Volunteer Association visited temporary housing in Kawai-cho and Sugihira-cho of Wajima City, to distribute relief supplies and conduct listening activities. As the activities were held on Tanabata (Star Festival) day, volunteers set up a bamboo pole on the temporary housing site and asked the residents to write their wishes on strips of paper.
Volunteers also visited the same housing on July 14 and were able to gain the recognition of the disaster victims through continuous visits, and were able to hear stories that were not able to hear at the first time of the visit.
Kanazawa University Volunteer Support Station is going to continue the support of the affected areas and people in cooperation with the Ishikawa Prefecture Disaster Volunteer Association.

About Kanazawa University Volunteer Activities
Kanazawa University Bora Sapo (Kanazawa University Volunteer saport station ) Instagram

  • Visiting temporary housing with the Ishikawa Prefecture Disaster Volunteer Association
  • Group photo with Noto pose
  • Putting the wishes of the disaster victims on strips of paper
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