Revision of "Action Plan for Carbon Neutrality 2023" and publication of "Progress Report "e:C0Real" 2024


Kanazawa University is working toward carbon neutrality by 2050 in four pillars: research and development, social co-creation, education, and campus on an all-Kanazawa University basis.

We have formulated the Action Plan 2022 (March 2022) and Action Plan 2023 (June 2023), and have now formulated and published the revised Action Plan 2023, which clarifies Kanazawa University 's stance toward carbon neutrality, revises the roadmap, and enhances specific results and targets for research, education, and other areas. The revision of "Action Plan 2023" has been formulated and published.

In addition, we published the "Carbon Neutral Progress Report 'e:C0Real' 2024 vol.1" which summarizes the results of our efforts in FY2023 toward carbon neutrality. The title "e:C0Real" (Eco-Real) combines the words "Eco" (environment) and "Real" (zero carbon), and further implies that Kanazawa University will become a core center of green innovation.

Kanazawa University based on the role of the university in carbon neutrality, and from the perspective of leading the development of society, we will co-create world-class innovations through collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders outside the university, with all members and diverse organizations transcending their individual positions. We will continue to implement, evaluate, and review our action plans, and contribute to society as a top runner in research and development and human resource development in all Kanazawa University.


The "Carbon Neutrality Action Plan 2023 Revised Edition" and the "Carbon Neutrality Progress Report "e:C0Real" 2024 vol.1" are published under Environmental Initiatives of Carbon Neutrality.).

  • FY2023 Kanazawa University Carbon Neutral Topics
  • Kanazawa University Four Initiatives
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