Kanazawa University and Transcendental Biomedical DX Research Center (eMEDX) of Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology held a research exchange meeting

News Research

June 11, Kanazawa Univeristy conducted? research exchange meeting with Transcendental Biomedical DX Research Center (eMEDX) of? Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) . Transcendental Biomedical DX Research Center (eMEDX) is a partner university of the"Project for Strengthening and Promoting Regional Core and Distinctive Research Universities (J-PEAKS)" of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.? 28 people participated in the meeting.

First, J-PEAKS Promotion Division Executive Director Mr. Kouji Kinutani gave a welcome speech, followed by research presentations by Professor Kazuaki Matsumura, Professor Motoichi Kurisawa, Associate Professor Eijiro Miyako , and Associate Professor Kenta Hongo? from JAIST. After that poster session divided by presenter. was held.

The meeting was a meaningful opportunity to discuss the development and promotion of joint research between the two universities, as well as the possibility of new cross-disciplinary fusions and projects.

J-PEAKS will continue to promote the strengthening of research capabilities to achieve the numerical targets for the outputs and outcomes of the project and to realize the vision for the next 10 years.


Related sites

?Kanazawa University J-PEAKS Implementation Overview

?JAIST "Transcendental Biomedical DX Research Center (eMEDX))

?Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (J-PEAKS) WEB site

  • Opening remarks by Executive Director Kinutani Kouji?
  • Research presentation (JAIST, Professor Matsumura)
  • Poster Session (JAIST, Associate Professor Miyako)
  • Research Exchange Meetings
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