Kanazawa University Experimental Research Center for Envisioning the Future website has been launched!


Kanazawa University Experimental Research Center for Envisioning the Future has unveiled its Web site.

Kanazawa University Experimental Research Center for Envisioning the Future Future-oriented Intelligence is a center that will actively utilize the basic research and core technologies in which excels, develop demonstrations for the practical application of research results, and implement into society. It also aims to be a place where the future society that we want to realize can be visualized and discussed as a "showcase" that is easy for everyone to understand.?

In addition to introducing the Showcase for the Future Society, this website will disseminate information on initiatives open to a wide range of stakeholders, including corporations, citizens, local governments, faculty, staff, and students.

We will be hosting a launch event for Experimental Research Center for Envisioning the Future on August 27. Please feel free to drop by.

? Kanazawa University Experimental Research Center for Envisioning the Future Web site is here. 
?For more information on the event, click here.

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