Music exchange event "Music for everyone" was held in Noto

News Noto Reconstruction

On May 27th, fourth-year students majoring in music education from the School of Education, College of Human and Social Sciences visited Nanao City Higashiminato Elementary School and participated in a musical exchange event called "Music for everyone @ Noto."
A total of 27 third-grade elementary school children participated in the event. The program of event was consisted of two parts: mini concert and a workshop where students sang songs and performed together with children.
Kanazawa University students have been preparing to the event since March: selecting and arranging songs and choosing instruments. Using their experience of teaching practice at the university's affiliated elementary school last year, they have been practicing through trial and error to find out what kind of songs would please the children, what instruments would interest them, and what words they should use to speak to the children in order to make the workshop proceed smoothly.
For many of the children, it was their first time seeing or hearing music bells, tone chimes, or body percussion, and they were full of comments such as, "I was amazed at the variety of sounds you can make with bells," and "The whistling was amazing."
During the performance, each child had an instrument and played together while moving their bodies and singing.? Many of kids said that it was fun!

  • A group playing in a circle with musical instruments in their hands
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