タイを対象に日本留学?就職フェアを開催/Study and Job in Japan Online Fair (Thailand)







Kanazawa University hosted the “Study and Job in Japan Online Fair” for Thailand for five days from March 11 to 15. A total of 47 institutions from 41 universities and 6 companies from Japan participated, providing a wide range of information about universities and companies for high school and university students, working adults as well as International s from Thailand.?

This fair was held online as in the previous year as part of the “ Study in Japan Global Network Project (ASEAN)“, which was re-commissioned by Okayama University.

Participants pre-registered for the session of their choice through a special website, and more than 800 registrations were made.

From the 11th to the 12th, the participants watched introductions of each institution, and from the 11 to the 15, those who want to study in Japan and those who want to get employment in Japan had individual consultations with the person in charge of each university and company. The total number of participants, mainly high school, university and graduate students, exceeded 280, showing a high interest in studying in Japan, even in the face of the corona-virus pandemic.

We will continue to promote the appeal of studying in Japan through various events, including Study in Japan Fair, based in our Bangkok office.

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