Hybrid Lecture: "DNA fingerprints may reveal secrets of ancient egyptian royalty"

On campus only
Event Details

Kanazawa University Institute for the Study of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources in cooperation with the Department of Culture, Education, and Science, Embassy of Egypt will co-host the lecture "DNA fingerprints may reveal the secrets of ancient egyptian royalty"

【Guest】 Dr. Yahia Gad
Biography: Molecular Genetics, National Research Center, Egypt Professor
Fellow, Johns Hopkins University and Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA
Scientific Supervisor, National Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, DNA Lab, National Museum of Egyptian Antiquities
【Date & Time】
Thursday, September 12, 2024 17:00 (Tokyo time), 11:00 (Cairo time)

【In the case of on-site participation】
Please contact Mr. Mizushima from Cultural, Educational and Scientific Affairs, Embassy of Egypt, by e-mail with your name and contact information. (Up to 35 people on a first-come-first-served basis)
E-mail: egyptcesb@tokyo.email.ne.jp
Cultural, Educational and Scientific Office, Embassy of Egypt in Japan
1-19-17 Higashigaoka, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-0021
Nearest station: Komazawa University or Toritsudaigaku station (17 min. walk)

*Simultaneously: A book fair will be held in cooperation with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Central Library. The exhibition of history, culture, and civilization related to Egypt, which has the largest number of books on loan, will also be held.

【For online participation】
Meeting ID:892 5555 9722
Passcode: 9chrjV

Co-sponsored by: Institute for the Study of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources

Participation Fee

Embassy of Egypt, Department of Culture, Education and Science: egyptcesb@tokyo.email.ne.jp
Kanazawa University Institute for the Study of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources: kanazawa.isac@gmail.com

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