Special Exhibition "Excavating a 3000-Year-Old Graveyard in Ancient Egypt - Latest Reports from the Excavation Survey at Saqqara Ruins, Egypt"

Open to public
July 25, 2024 to October 11, 2024, 10:00-16:00
University Museum Exhibition Rooms (in Kanazawa University Central Library and University Museum buildings)
Event Details

A special exhibition "Excavating a 3000-Year-Old Graveyard in Ancient Egypt - Latest Reports from the Excavation Survey at Saqqara Ruins, Egypt" will be held at University Museum of Kanazawa University?

The excavation of the Saqqara ruins, conducted by a joint research team of Kanazawa University‘s Institute for the Study of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, has uncovered various tombs from the Early Dynastic Period (3000-2700 BC) to the Roman period (1st century BC to 3rd century AD). This research has produced extremely important results in clarifying the transformation of burial customs in ancient Egypt. This special exhibition will display a full-scale model of the Greco-Roman catacombs (underground mass graves) discovered during the excavation. You can also experience the scale of the excavation site. Based on the results of these research, we will introduce the burial customs and views of the afterlife of ancient Egyptians.

We are looking forward your visit!

Participation Fee
Free Admission
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University Museum of Kanazawa University
TEL: 076-264-5215 E-mail: museum@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

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