The 2nd Fusion Science Seminar for Students

On campus only
Friday, August 23, 2024 16:15 - 17:45
Kanazawa University Kakuma Campus Nano Life Science Institute Building 4F Main Conference Room
Event Details

Kanazawa University Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative and the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) will jointly hold a seminar.

Mr. Shunichi Amari, founder of information geometry, which is also used in current AI research, and recipient of the Order of Culture in 2019, will speak on "Brain and AI - Seeking a New Civilization in the AI Age (from the perspective of fusion of different fields)".

Starting with the history of AI and its current outlook, the lecture will explain its mechanism from the standpoint of mathematics and information, contrasting it with the brain, and explore the direction of future development.

We look forward to your participation!


Online distribution will also be available.

How to participate
No advance registration required (regardless of your current affiliation college ?Graduate School or academic year)
Related Links

Transdisciplinary Sciences Administration Department Graduate Student Affairs Section

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