- 開催日?期間
- 2023年4月14日(金)13:00~14:30
- 開催場所
- 金沢大学人間社会第2講義棟402教室
●金沢大学エジプト学特別講演会 2023-2●
Surviving King’s Coffins from the Royal Theban Cache TT 320:
Seqenenre Tao, Thutmose I, Thutmose III, and Ramses II
講演者:Dr. Kara Cooney
(Professor of Egyptian Art and Architecture, UCLA)
問い合わせ先:河合 望 nozomu.kawai@sutaff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp
The Theban Tomb 320 burial cache discovered at Deir el Bahari revealed a
number of king’s coffins used to rebury kings and priest-kings.
These coffins had been stripped of gold and other valuables before reuse,
providing evidence that kings’ burials were systematically recommodified.
Most kings were not reburied in their own royal coffins.
The surviving king’s coffins suggest they were regilded even after gold
sheeting and inlay was removed, probably for display of some kind.
Such gilding was later removed in the 22nd Dynasty.
The stratigraphy of these New Kingdom royal coffins thus preserves a
series of contradictory actions, including recommodification and reuse to
source scarce and necessary valuables, restoration to broadcast care and
ritual attention for the ancestor-kings, and finally stripping of valuables
after that display potential had run out.
This talk will include material analysis of the surviving kings’coffins
coffins along a timeline of changing social conditions to examine
contradictory actions of reuse, restoration, display, and recycling.
- 参加費用
- 無料
- 参加方法
- 事前登録なし
河合 望 nozomu.kawai@sutaff.kanazawa-u.ac.jp