“Community Learning "Super" Experience Program” took place in Suzu from July 15 to 17, and 36 students participated. This program began in 2014, and has been held every year since then.
The program consists of prep classes (3 times), camp (3 days and 2 nights), review class (once), and final report. Its aim is to nurture human resilience which will help the students train and develop themselves through recognizing the importance of physical and mental strengths, accepting diverse ways of thinking, and being aware that they are members of the society in an environment where they share joys and sorrows with each other.
In this time’s program, the students experienced Zen meditation, mowed the grass of conservation forest, stayed at local residents’ homes, and listened to the lectures by Mayor of Suzu, President Koetsu YAMAZAKI and Vice President Masayoshi SHIBATA. Besides, there was a new lecture this time by Ms. Haruka NAYA, a graduate of the School of Regional Development Studies, Kanazawa University, who works at Ohno Charcoal Factory in Suzu. The lecture helped the students deepen their understanding of diverse lifestyles adapted to the region. On the second day, the students mowed grass in earnest, cooperating with each other despite the heavy rain that attacked them near the end. Through the home-stay experience, they received the local resident’s kindness and held conversations with them based on the topics of prep classes, which led them to gain more insight about Suzu community. On the final day, Mr. Masuya IZUMIYA, Mayor of Suzu, gave a special lecture about the present issues. In the home-stay report meeting, some participants said that there were a lot of things they never knew until they visited Suzu in person. Others said that they learned the joy and difficulty in talking with people across regions and age groups. These experiences inspired and helped the students to find in the charms of Suzu area and to look back at themselves. Afterward, the students will take a review class, submit the final report, and receive1 credit.
This year’s program will be held 4 times and the next one will take place from August 4 to 6 in Hakusanroku area.